Hi Melbguy1, Chris told me on the phone before I did all these direct comparisons that the Gold version was suited for any kind of digital, even if it was a tube based machine,also, the krell sound's better with the Rhodium, however, I admitt, I do like the treble better with the gold wpo's, it's a trade off, everything else sound's alot better, litterally veils up-on veils were taken out of the sound, the way the Rhodium does vocal's and mid-range snare drum's, mid-range in general was the decideing factor for my choice, the most realistic vocal's I have ever heard, Melb, I really believe these wpo's have more to do with one's cable's than solid state or tube's, you know my amp in it's orginal state before I had it modded was kinda of a transparent dark sound, now it's extrodinary transparent with the GTX R and the modds, also, you may be very well correct about staying with the same wall plug as the wpo, the reason I believe you can mix the wall plugs, is because I have a mix currently to decent prevail, like I said, when I tried that on the wall power, it was an incredible disaster, it was worse than useing the $6.00 industrial 20 amp wpo I took out, and the $.50 house wpo combo, melb, as good as your speaker's are, transparent!, you likly done the correct move with the Gold, will add some balance that should be appealing.