Lavardin IS Reference or IT - anyone heard?

The Lavardin integrateds have been the subject of several strong reviews and only recently found North American distribution. Has anyone heard them and had a chance to compare with other high quality integrateds? The reviews hit all the right buttons for me; fully musical and detailed at low volume, approaching the air and resonance of good tubes etc. Any experience out there?
Lavardin IS Ref: quite finicky about cabling, power cord, grounding, shelf...but when dialed in, startlingly (in a good way) lifelike. Very efficient alternative to tubes, barely warm to the touch. Clean top, liquid mids, solid bottom. Involving, enjoyable, just sounds real.

i think you are right-thats why i never got it to sound as good as the reviews says.
I have the LAVARDIN IT. I got it second hand - it was the first generation version, and whilst reviews say the subsequent version is better - I disagree. Due to a problem with my one I returned it to LAVARDIN, and they upgraded it to the current SPEC. It became a tad more 'robust' in its sound, a bit more defined and a tad less 'liquid'. I use it with DNM speaker cables, and Lavardin's own interconnect. I first had Proac response one sc speakers - they were excellent. Once I got a hold of a mint pair of YAMAHA NS1000M's they have become magical. The Yamaha's, whilst sensitive, transparent, neutral, and very clean, can be a tricky load. The LAVARDIN'S are load tolerant and very transparent, so I thought they would be a good match - I WAS RIGHT. I have heard Krells, Audio Research Amps, KONDO, Conrad Johnson, Zanden, and Karan and many other mega pricey combos, both at shows and at auditions. None seem to match the combination of neutrality, dexterity and sheer excellence of the combo I have - maybe I am biased, but I have tried to do the audiophile thing of box swapping - but I keep coming back to square one again - ahhhh. The only thing that I have heard to genuinely better them top to bottom were: MBL's (with the omni speakers - of course) (over 100,000 UKP); quad valve amps driving Quad 2905's (over 13000 UKP)(I am told that the LAVARDIN is good at driving them as well); a 120,000 UKP Mckintosh set up.