Parasound JC-1 vs. Pass 250.5

Anyone out there own either & can compare these two highly regarded amps (both in the same relative price range)?
I owned the Pass X-250 and sold in two weeks ago after one year. I don't believe there is that much of difference to the .5. Sounded terrible with my speakers-switched to SET monoblocks-great sound now. The guy I sold it to had a 250 and 350 which he added my 250 to. He was using old Infinity's-the original owners formed Genesis Techology. His set up with the pass units sounded great. I would say you should match your speakers to the amp.
Dealers tell me the .5's are a big improvement over the regular models.Zevbear, what speakers were you referring to in your post?
The .5 version is a significant step up in low level definition, warmth and a liquid midrange.
before i bought my jc-1s was able to audition the x-250 in my system for over a month and although the pass impressed me with its speed,timing,dynamics and transparency and what some have called a certain "sparkle" on top,i was ultimately let down by what i perceived to be a "thin" harmonic presentation in the mids,(which for my listening preferences is crucial)and a hardening of the sound with higher spl,probably due to the amp going out of class a output into class ab.
as to the newer x250.5 version,haven't heard it.

Take what you heard in the X250, now remove the thinness, add gorgeous body to the vocals, and you have the X250.5. I think it may be safe to say the new X250.5 is warm rather than neutral. The old X250 was dead neutral.