Sub-$1000 preamp recommedations sought

A friend who has a pair of B&W Nautilus 805 speakers and a power amp of moderate quality (sorry, don't know brand) is looking for a good preamp (as well as a CDP). Any preamp suggestions (used or new) in the $700-1000 range much appreciated. Her audio dealer is trying to sell her a Rotel RC 1070. Thanks.
It may take some looking but a used Levinson ML-1 can
be had for about $1000. I owned one about eight years
ago. It was excellent.....transparent, solid bass,
three-dimensional. It's not at the same level as my
380S but it's quite good. I'd venture to say it's better
than the Rotel (and I own a Rotel 1075 for my HT setup).
A McIntosh C712. I have had 6 preamps in my system and, for the money, the C712 is fantastic. Classe CP50 is even better for a little more money. I highly recommend these two models. Arthur