Sub-$1000 preamp recommedations sought

A friend who has a pair of B&W Nautilus 805 speakers and a power amp of moderate quality (sorry, don't know brand) is looking for a good preamp (as well as a CDP). Any preamp suggestions (used or new) in the $700-1000 range much appreciated. Her audio dealer is trying to sell her a Rotel RC 1070. Thanks.
Correction: the correct model is the Dared sl 2000a. For under $1000, nothing beats a tube pre. Over $1000, there are some nice solid state ones to consider.

For around $1000, bel canto pre1 is solid state and is really more upscale than Adcom or Rotel will ever be.
-have seen bat 3ki or a 5 vki (non remote).... sound quality and parts quality hard to beat, also upgradeable...

if you can go a little more then the pse hl-1(really rare)

solid state
-audio research ls-12..the most neutral solid state unit i have ever heard...
The T-61 tubed pre from Audio Mirror is very nice and priced at $699. Comes with a remote too.