Audiolabyrinth, in your long discussions with Chris, did you mention you were using your tube cd player as linestage? That effectively means you're running a tube preamp and changes the equation. Btw, Chris's advice that the gold version is recommended for ss and tube cd players is echoe'd by other sellers such as The Tweek Geek. I'm having a hard time believing the Furutech GTX-D(R)removes "litterally veils up-on veils were taken out of the sound" compared to the GTX-D(G). Something else must be going on there since the base metal (pure copper) dominates the sound of the GTX-D. As Chris remarked, the slight lean towards warmth vs resolution in the gold vs rhodium (respectively) is more related to a slight 'shade' vs night/day difference. In the end, you're running a valve preamp so I am not surprised you preferred the rhodium version.
I have to wait until my Vitus SCD-025 arrives in a couple of months before I can see how the GTX-D(G) sounds in my system, then I will have to wait for atleast 250hrs for my new player and Jorma Statement cables to play in. But I suspect the combination of the Oyaide platinum & palladium-plated P-004 connectors, Jorma (copper) cables and Vitus amp and front end will have good synergy. (And I have to remember that only one pc will be connected to the GTX-D. All my other pc's will be plugged into my Gigawatt PC-3 SE Evo conditioner which uses in-house designed cryo'd and demaged silver-plated brass wpo's). If I feel i've got a good balance between neutrality, transparency, speed, warmth, naturalness & harmonic richness with the P-0004/GTX-D(G) combo, I will likely re-terminate all my Prime pc's with Oyaide M1/F1 hardware later in the year.
I have to wait until my Vitus SCD-025 arrives in a couple of months before I can see how the GTX-D(G) sounds in my system, then I will have to wait for atleast 250hrs for my new player and Jorma Statement cables to play in. But I suspect the combination of the Oyaide platinum & palladium-plated P-004 connectors, Jorma (copper) cables and Vitus amp and front end will have good synergy. (And I have to remember that only one pc will be connected to the GTX-D. All my other pc's will be plugged into my Gigawatt PC-3 SE Evo conditioner which uses in-house designed cryo'd and demaged silver-plated brass wpo's). If I feel i've got a good balance between neutrality, transparency, speed, warmth, naturalness & harmonic richness with the P-0004/GTX-D(G) combo, I will likely re-terminate all my Prime pc's with Oyaide M1/F1 hardware later in the year.