McIntosh 501 or 602 for Magnepan 20.1

Has anyone tried any of the big Mac amps with Magnepan 20.1? I'm in the search for an amp. I'm considering:

Krell 400/450
McIntosh 501/602
Rowland 302
H2O Signature Mono

I'm running an Audio Aero CD player so no preamp is involved. I have heard to bypass the H20 and Rowland since I don't have a preamp but I haven't had a chance to try it in my setup.

The JC1 does have a pretty decent power supply -- the best you can get in an amp that only costs $6000/pair.

FWIW, my Magnepan dealer recommends Bryston 7B-SST for the 20.1s. The Bryston 7B weighs only 50 lbs. At least the JC1 is 64 lbs....

Of couse the Omega is better. At $25k/pair it has to be better... Why not get a pair of Simaudio Moon Rocks. They are 220 lbs each. Maybe that qualifies?

SimAudio W10's might work well with the 20's. They work very well with the 3.6's. Remember that the Mac's don't double into 4 ohms. I understand the power stage is looking at the fixed impedance of the Autoformers, but I tried the MC252 in my system on the 3.6's and it shut down on thermal overload after a few minutes of playing at moderate levels.
I've also driven a 600w (into 4 ohms) digital amp into clipping on the 3.6's....I'd get an amp with high current capacity into lower impedances and avoid any chance of under-powering the 20's.
I meant Classe Omicron or Omega MK 1--they're available for 5-6,000,
On my 20.1s, I went from Omicron MK to the mono pairs you mention. Yes, the monos are better, but the originals are not that far off.
Another suggestion to try might be Steve McCormack's DNA-500. Lots of current and power(500w/900w) with excellent sonic presentation.