Tube pre to mate with a Simaudio amp and Dynaudio

I've just recently taken delivery of Dynaudio Contour 1.3se monitors and am looking for amplification.

I've heard these speakers with a Sim Audio I-5 and enjoyed the sound immensely, but would like to move to a W-3 and a tubed pre-amp.

I'm looking for a slightly richer sound, but one that is still relatively transparent, fast, and open. Are there any tubed preamplifiers that meet these requirements?

Under consideration:

Audio Research LS-15
deHavilland UltraVerve
Manley Shrimp

any other thoughts would be apprciated.
Bradpaton - What preamp are you using (I am still using the I-5 but want to get a W3 sometime soonish)
Niravp... glad you are enjoying your new Calypso with your Dyns. If you have not already done so, I highly recommend you get some good 12AX7 NOS tubes. Mullard CV 4004's are a good choice and can be had for approx. $250 per pair. Same goes for NOS Telefunkens. The 6922 tubes are not as critical and should be second priority after the 12AX7's. Try looking at listing from Audiogoner "SAM1104" ... or look up Brendan @