Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
Tbg, I did not mean to imply you are a commercial member, only that you have some association to HFC by way of your position as a professional reviewer and owner of their cables. It is disappointing you felt the need to descend into this response -
But it suggests your desperation to denigrate the High Fidelity cables that you would dig it up
I in fact stumbled across your review by chance. I did not as you wildly assumed troll the internet to "dig up" dirt on you. And no, I have no association to disclose of any nature.
Melbguy1, hey, I am serious about how much more the veils was lifted with the Rhodium version's of the furutech GTX-D wpo's over the Gold version, that is what happend on my system, and yes, Chris know's that I am useing a tube cd player direct to amp, even before I bought any thing from him, I understand that both have the same base metal, that is where it end's, for some odd reason, the R version cost more money than the Gold version,I did extensive agonizeing test of changeing out wpo's of four different kind's 25 to 30 time's, week's of making sure what to buy, as I said, the Rhodium version won every time on my system, solid state and tube hybred solid state front end, btw, I do like the way palladium sound's that oyaide uses, cheers.
TBG, that's a good review you did, I am impressed that you are a pro reviewer,I would assume that you got free or a really good discount on the high-fidelity cable's for such publicity for them, nothing wrong with that at all Norm, as exspensive as this hobby is, why not do what we can to get what we want, cheers.
Audiolab, I think what you were hearing in your system is the result of natural synergy between the GTX-D(R) and your tubed Vincent cdp/linestage, warm sounding connectors (079's) and vintage JBL L7 speakers. Chris told me he has as many positive reviews about the GTX-D(G)in his email box as the GTX-D(R). If the gold version were so dreadfully veiled as you described, then the outlet would be panned in favour of the rhodium, which it is not. It's just synergy man.
Melbguy1, I didn't say that you wanted to say I was a commercial member. What I said was that Audiogon has no provisions for noting reviewers. I had sought to do so as I did on Audioasylum.

I sorry if you thought I over-reacted but I found your posting very accusatory.

Audiolabyrinth, I don't exactly know what a pro reviewer is but thanks. If it means that you think I am paid, you are wrong. I am a retired college professor and entertain myself with audio. Like all trade, reviewers usually get "accommodation" pricing, which mainly is about wholesale pricing.

Remember that it is often useful for a reviewer to have multiple amps, line stage, phono stages, cables, pcs, etc. when doing reviews.