I posted a thread asking "what power cord for the prelude"
The only reponse I got was from the individual that reveiwed the Arpege for soundstage a while back...In his words:
I reviewed the Arpege for SoundStage! and later sold the Audiomat line in my part-time shop. The Prelude is my favorite amp of the lot. As far as power cords go, I really liked the Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun HCFi. I thought there was excellent synergy between the Audiomat and the HCFi. I haven't heard the Elrod with them though
I have not had any problem with week bass on the Prelude
The Arpege is another story
The only reponse I got was from the individual that reveiwed the Arpege for soundstage a while back...In his words:
I reviewed the Arpege for SoundStage! and later sold the Audiomat line in my part-time shop. The Prelude is my favorite amp of the lot. As far as power cords go, I really liked the Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun HCFi. I thought there was excellent synergy between the Audiomat and the HCFi. I haven't heard the Elrod with them though
I have not had any problem with week bass on the Prelude
The Arpege is another story