KT-88 in Conrad Johnson Premier 11a

I read some discussion about replacing 6550 in Conrad Johnson Premier 11a by KT88 may/will tighten bass and improve overall midrange and treble performance.

I talked with CJ and they said they never tried KT-88 in 11a (well I really doubt it) and it may not be able to bias KT-88 in it at all.

I really would love to try KT-88 in my 11a but I need to make sure I can bias it correctly... Any one got experience in it?

Thanks Jay and Art!!

I'm really curious to know how the NOS Genalex KT88 sounds... and wonder if they can really live up to their price.


Art, did you happen to try Electro-Harmonix as well? I wonder how it compares to the SED... I will pick either one of them...

The EH KT88 will sound more dynamic, tighter more powerful bass, a bit brighter top & extension.

The Svetlana KT88 will have a slightly romanticized midrange, with a burnished sound, more tubeish sounding, the EH sounding less tubeish. The highs have a bit of cloudy coloration.

It amounts to a matter of taste and the gear it is in. If the Premier 11a sounds lush with the stock Svetlana 6550 (which are leaner & more analytical than the Svet KT88), you might prefer the EH KT88.

By the way, I had both old winged C Svets, and didn't hear a difference between the New Sensor Svetlana and the winged C, and they looked identical in construction.
Hi, Hklai:

I believe the NOS Genalex KT88 is the best ever, but almost impossible to find. Beware of fakes on e-bay.
Best wishes,