What is the best tube integrated amp?

I love tube amp since I started to get involved this hobby. I have also listened to many tube stereo amp, monoblocks and integrated (not too many?)amps. But right now I have tried to look for a tube SET or PP integrated amp for my office I still not find for my taste especially vocals, classicals and instrumentals. Therefore, I need some help from someone who has had more experience than me about the tube integrated amp for a small office. I also want to look a pair of monitors which are matched with. Thanks to everyone who anticipate in this thread.
For classical, vocals and instrumentals I think a Jadis Orchestra Reference (or a DA60, if you can find one, afford it and have the space for it) would be a nice choice.
Jadis DA60 with a pair of Sonus Cremona Auditors comes to mind when I think of an office system where budget isnt an issue.
Cayin TA-30. Amazing performance for very little $$$$. Recently purchased one and my jaw still drops at how good this thing is. With a small/medium sized room this integrated will even drive a difficult low efficiency speaker. On top of it's solid musical performance it is built very nicely and looks great. I bought mine for an office system, however it sounds so good in my main system it hasn't made it to the office !