What is the best tube integrated amp?

I love tube amp since I started to get involved this hobby. I have also listened to many tube stereo amp, monoblocks and integrated (not too many?)amps. But right now I have tried to look for a tube SET or PP integrated amp for my office I still not find for my taste especially vocals, classicals and instrumentals. Therefore, I need some help from someone who has had more experience than me about the tube integrated amp for a small office. I also want to look a pair of monitors which are matched with. Thanks to everyone who anticipate in this thread.
Jadis DA60 with a pair of Sonus Cremona Auditors comes to mind when I think of an office system where budget isnt an issue.
Cayin TA-30. Amazing performance for very little $$$$. Recently purchased one and my jaw still drops at how good this thing is. With a small/medium sized room this integrated will even drive a difficult low efficiency speaker. On top of it's solid musical performance it is built very nicely and looks great. I bought mine for an office system, however it sounds so good in my main system it hasn't made it to the office !
I have a Jadis DA30 in my second system for many years and Boy! I can tell you that it sounds absolutely fabulous. It's just 30 watts and has loads of power for most speakers. I have used it to drive my Apogee Duettas Sigs with not much problems except at high volumes.

Recently AB'd the preamp section to a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 preamp and yes, it blew the SFI Line 2 away...no kidding.

I can only imagine how a DA60 would sound like. If you have the $$ to spend, get the DA60 if not the DA30 would just be fine unless you need the extra power.
Eastern Electric's new integrated, looks terrific,cool features, see it on six moons audio website.
Maybe not the best ever, but for the price the PrimaLuna Prologue Two has made me very happy!