Integraded Amp

Looking for a 2 channel Integraded Amp with tone controls!I have a nice Integraded,should I add an EQ or would it be better to find an Integraded with tone controls?
Another vote for the McIntosh MA6900. It has great controls and is extremely flexible (a must for a good preamp IMO). It also has a tone control bypass switch to remove them from the signal path if you so desire. Arthur
Musicmann, the A308 from Musical Fidelity does not have tone controls. As far as I know, nothing from Musical Fidelity has tone controls.
The best is to get a new or used Beringer DSP parametric computerized equalizer that goes for about $300-350 new and about $250 used. Try it via the loop and see how you like it. It is often that we try to pursue the undescribable just to later figure out that we might actually wind up with a worser sound quality, as well as wasted money.

MF stuff, is in a different league than the Logos. The Mac, if you are interested might be a decent compromise.

Check most of the audio systems in the virtual systems, not many have equalizers, except a Tact Digital DSP here and there.

The best option might be to buy an used Mac 6900 and use it for a while, before you decide to unload the Logos. You will lose little money in this sort of situation. 6900s maintain their value well, this is not the case with the Logos.