Whest Audio ps.20 phono stage w/.20 power supply

Have you heard this phono pre and if so what do you think?
This phono stage is AWESOME. I was using an EAR 835p, and the Whest blows it away. Incredible, airy soundstage, great highs and lows, just unbelievable, and this is right out of the box.
Great to hear! I actually own the Whest phono amp as well - just haven't heard it yet. :o It was part of my new analog rig and the dealer is actually tweaking my table/cartridge/amp as we speak. However, I can only give my opinion on what I hear at his place, as my system is now "moth balled" in boxes awaiting the next move... our home sold and we are awaiting the completion of the construction on our new home. I had spoken with many people about a solid performing phono amp in this price range and I kept getting steered in the direction of the Whest. Please keep us posted on sonic changes during/after break-in! Thanks in advance.
I heard them at the UK high end show with a high end SME 20, Mcintosh rig and was very impressed indeed. Detailed, musical, but without the usual solid state grain. If I was in the market for a new phonostage, thats where I would be going. The dealer demoing it, who I have a lot of time for, said he preferred it to the top of the range Clearaudio, he sells at twice the price.