transparency vs. detailed

what is the difference between the two? most people seem to think that a detailed amp with a detailed speaker will not work. what about a transparent amp with a transparent speaker?
these are just words used to describe what one person thinks they hear in their system. don't get caught up in the lingo, it means absolutely nothing. your best bet, if you're trying to decide on amps and speakers, is to go with a combination that you hear/read is well liked and popular for the type of music that you listen to. from there you can try different amps/speakers/etc. to fine tune to your taste if you are not completely happy.
Transparency NEEDS a detailed amp design approach IMO

Musicality ... is another issue.

"what about a transparent amp with a transparent speaker?" As
long as you can see your CD player and your remote, you should be okay.

Sorry, Mbbolda. Ketchup is right. These generalizations are too broad and
subjective to be helpful. Especially with a term like transparency, you have to
develop your own frame of reference. Different people are more or less
sensitive to different kinds of distortion and will hear transparency differently.
In general, detail and transparency are good, and more of both is better--if
you can get it without more distortion.
"most people seem to think that a detailed amp with a detailed speaker will not work"

I'm not sure that's true. I'd say that most people look for as much of this attribute as they can get, as long as there are no tradeoffs involved. Of course, there are almost always tradeoffs involved... Many people like as detailed a sound as they can get as long as the sound remains 'musical' to them and doesn't get overly analytical. This doesn't always mean combining components that are on opposite ends of the tonal spectrum.
The term transparent means the sound is clear.
Kinda like a dirty window after you clean it with Windex. The term detail means the sound is broke down where you can hear every instrument.