Linn/Naim user seeks advice on tube pre/ss amp


I've been a Linn/Naim user forever--OK, since 1983. I've always loved how the various permutations of the gear I've owned has played music, and sounded.

However, I am interested in experimenting with a tube preamp and perhaps a solid state amp, based on a terrific demonstration of a CJ PV-9 driving (I think) a Krell KSA-80. I recall folks saying a tube pre matched with a SS amp can do wonders, and I'd like to try.

My initial thought is to find a CJ PV-9, based on my experience of it years ago--it simply sounded fantastic. What would a good match be as far as power amps went? Budget is probably a maximum of $2,000.00.

Thoughts welcomed. Oh--sources are either a Meridian 506.20 or Naim CDS-1, or a Linn LP12/Lingo2/Basik Plus (I know, I know.....) and an AT 440ML. Speakers currently are Linn Kabers, which can be power hogs.



I too have been a Linn/Naim guy for a long time. Don't tell anyone but taking your Kabers Aktiv using Linn amps with a great tube preamp is just devine. The used Linn amps are an incredible bargain and exhibit speed and driver control beyond anything you would expect from them. I first did it on the cheap with an older Audible Illusions preamp and was very happy but had a chance to use a Supratek Syrah in my system and now own one. I did try a CJ Premiere Ten in my system and it sounded very good at its price point but didn't exhibit the speed and bass control that I was looking for. The Syrah is a match made in heaven, maybe. Well, I'm sure tube amps would be heaven. Maybe the solid state stuff is on the stairway getting there. Good luck.
Bob. I ran a Naim HiCap/62/140 for over 10 years and had really bought into the PRAT mantra/cult. Sadly, it turns out. About a year ago I sold it all rather than pay what I consider to be far too much money for either a "recap" of my equipment or the new line of electronics. I auditioned several systems including the 202/200 with a Flatcap and XPS. I finally settled on an Audio Research 100.2 and a SP16 with phono. IMHO the Naim is simply no longer a good value for money. Back in the days when I got my stuff they built high quality, affordable gear that had limited applicability (driving classic British two-ways, for example). Now their stuff is priced beyond belief and, while the sound remains quite good, there is better stuff out there that can drive any speaker you want to run with. My ARC set up clearly trounces what Naim currently offers and for less money. I know I may piss some people off here but the whole PRAT thing is absurd. Naim has managed to cultivate this niche within the land of audiophile nervosa with clever marketing and a dedicated (or should I say "committed" sales force). Have no fear--turn away from Naim without regret. They have lost their way and will never return.
I applaud your interest in experimenting and trying new combinations. Clearly, what will work for you is a matter of taste.

I am NOT in any sort of Naim cult, although I currently own a CDS3, the only piece of Naim gear I have ever owned. As far as solid state equipment goes, I like certain Naim pieces I've heard, like the NAP 300 and the 252 linestage. I can't really say if they preserve timing and pace any better than competitive gear, but I do like the way they deliver the full harmonic palette of instruments without sounding overripe and soggy. Some other solid state amps I've heard and liked include the big Hovland amp and Ayre amps.

If the speakers you like are, as you say, power hogs, I think your approach of looking for a tube linestage to combine with a solid state amp makes sense. I personally find that most of the "magic" and charm of tube amplification is substantially diminished in high powered designs (I like low power triode tubes). I am not familiar with the Kabers, so I will not make any specific recommendations. In addition to any recommendation being system-dependant, tastes vary so widely. For example, the recommendation for the Audio Research setup would be the LAST thing I would recommend myself. I find their tube equipment, particularly linestages, to be dry, harmonically bleached and bright, more so than virtually any solid state gear of competent design. I cannot see how anyone who likes a CJ linestage would have any interest in the SP16, but, you should really see for yourself.
I'll second what Dodgealum has to say about Audio Research replacing Naim gear. Although I still believe that Naim is better than most of what's out there, I also agree that Naim has priced itself into the stratosphere. I've never heard as much life from a Naim amp lesser than the NAP 500 that could compete with what I'm now getting from my ARC VS110. $24,000 is just insane money when considering the ARC costs $4500!

I used to think tubes are slow, especially on the power amp end. Listen to the newer stuff from BAT, McIntosh, and ARC and you'll be surprised how much PRaT you can get without sacrificing your high-end detail and soundstage.

Another option if you absolutely hate tubes is the under-rated and under-marketed Exposure line. I first moved from an CDX2+XPS2/82+Supercap2/250/SBL/Fraim system to an Apple iBook/Musical Fidelity A3.24 DAC through an Exposure 3010 integrated and some Totem Hawks and my wife and I instantly agreed: a big improvement in sound quality and musicality with no penalty in speed or dynamics. Oh yeah, over $10k in our pockets helped matters too.

My advice: go and hear some of the modern alternatives before making your decision. Luckily for me and you, Naim gear keeps its value very well and I was able to get off the upgrade-itis elevator without taking a loss.
The Naim Nait 5i integrated offers tremendous value and wonderful music in a reasonable application. The Naim CD5x is an excellent mid-priced source that stacks up well against the competition. Seems to me you can only assess $24K components with reference to others in that stratosphere.

Certainly, Naim doesn't hold a monopoly on PRAT. Nor are its virtues limited to PRAT. Sticking to what I've heard myself, you get clean well- balanced music free of artificial effects, such as oversized images or added spatial FX. It is cool running and fuss free, and has proven longevity. Solid value, IMHO, at least into the 'Recommended System 2' range. After that, I can't comment from personal experience.