Help choosing tube monobloc's

At present I am running a Sunfire Tube Preamp and Sunfire Signature power amp.
I would like to introduce monobloc tube amps into the system.
The speakers are Kef Model Four~Two so they like to have power (I was thinking 150 wpc min.).
I have been thinking about a used set of Sonic Frontier power three's.
My budget is in the $5000.00 to $7500.00 range.
I mostly listen to classic rock, with a minor amount of easy listening, folk and classical through a Sonic Frontier Phono 1 tube amp (can there be too many tubes in the signal path) and Oracle table
I would appreciate anyones advise on tube monobloc selections.
How about AES/Cary Audio Sixpacs? I have a pair along with one of their preamps - they are gorgeous!

According to Mark O'Brien @ Rogue, the M-150's put out ~100 watts in triode mode.
Don't forget Aronov LS-9100 tube monobloc's which provide the reality of a performance in your listening room, and the best in bass for your classic rock (and everything else). Some days,I seem to be a one person Aronov cult believer, although in other threads more voices are added to the chorus of praise.
Get a pair of BAT Vk-60s and strap them as monoblocks (120wpc). All-triode operation. Will be plenty loud. Can be had for under $5k for the pair I'd think. Will easily kick the arse of anything by Rogue, and will be quieter than the big CJ monos (12s, 5s, etc)

ED_Sawer. To each their own. I auditioned a mono blocked pair of BAT VK150's driving the speakers I own & prefer the Rogue. May depend on what type of music you listen to, or could have just been a system matching or personal preference thing. Seems like the BAT excelled in body and what some folks think of as midrange magic (and others call coloration) and the Rogue was a bit more solid state sounding. Have not heard the VK150SE's. FWIW, it is bugging me that I never got a chance to hear the CJ140.