Any experience with the Nuforce Ref 8 mono amps?

I am curious about these amps and was wondering if anyone using them would report their experience. Thanks,
I communicated with a guy who is using these to drive a pair of Quad ESL's. Apparently they can drive very demanding speakers (a property of digital amps).
They will play louder than a conventional 100 Wpc amp without the usual compression and distortion. This is because they are capable of delivering very high momentary peak power at very low distortion. In other words, they have considerably more headroom than a conventional 100Wpc amp could manage.
There is a technical support patch for NuForce, follow the instruction and enjoy even better performance than I thought possible from these <2K amps.

BAT VK5SE, Quad ESL57, NuForce Ref8B.
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Tvad: here is a link to this tech support patch: