Best Integrated Amp, Price no obstacle?

I listen to mostly classical and some acoustic jazz,
I would prefer a one box Integrated for space reasons
and I think solid state...but I could be talk in to or "auditioned in to" a tube piece.
Your thoughtful advice is appreciated.

Thank you.

Not sure where you heard that. I may be biased because I'm a Blue Circle dealer, but I have not been more excited about a product than the new BC NSCS Integrated in a while. Quite honestly, it is making it hard for me to sell some of the lower-level BC separates...
You may want to inquire with Tube Research Labs about their new SS 225 watt integrated (ST-225).
It is $5500.
I will be hearing it in a friend's system later this month as he is going to demo with his Soundlabs.
TRL makes SOTA tube preamps and amps for very high end use ($100K+).
They really like this SS int amp.
Will let folks know what I think.
Philnyc - I asked a question? Didn't make a statement.
No one was mentioning it and having no experience with their products was wondering why.
Hbarrel...sorry if I misinterpreted your post. It looked like you were saying the new BC unit was "just so-so". My bad.

I'm guessing that no one has talked about it much because it is relatively was introduced about 3-4 months ago...
NEW A300SE from bvaudio. A typical example of showing that price isn't a measure of sound quality.