Power for Thiel 7.2

Would two (2) Classe Ca 301 in mono mode be enough (600 w at 8 and 1200 at 4) or a single Krell stereo mode at 400 w channel 8 ohm 800 4 ohm.
Which way to go?
you might consider the McCormack DNA-500. this is one of the few amps that can make the 7.2s sing.
I had the Thiel 7's which I think were harder to drive than the 7.2"s and I used 1 Classe 300 and the Thiels sounded great!! I have owned 5 different sets of Thiels and STRONGLY recommend Classe with them. You mite have noticed that at alot of shows you will find a combo of Thiel, Classe and MIT cables. It is true that with Thiel, the more power the better but I would, without a doubt pick Classe over Krell. I think Krell is over priced and to "Dark" for Thiels. Good Luck, the 7.2 is an excellent speaker and Thiel is the best company I have ever delt with!

I much prefer Conrad Johnson over the two amps you mention; although I will admit I am biased. In general Conrad Johnson solid state is more tube like (detailed) in the midrange with excellent bass control and highend extension and is a goog match for Thiel speakers. Depending on your musical tastes, room size and accoustics along with volume requirements the MF2500A (250 watts/channel)might be enough. Depending on your budget you could move up to the premier 350 (350 watts/channel) which is more of everything over the MF2500A and in my opinion much better than either of the amps you mention.

Others with Thiels have made positive comments about the Mac 501's or Pass X series. There is a thread on this site you might want to peruse concerning power requirements for Thiel 7.2's some good information.

By the way how do you like the 7.2's? I have a pair of 3.6's and at sometime in the future I would like to step up to 7.2's.

I think the jury is still out for the 7.2 for me. I believe my crossovers on the Lexicon MC12B were not properly set.
My main concern is lack of bass slam. For music in general it is wonderful. I am also thinking of changing my cables from MIT to Transparent.
Any thoughts?
My IConnects are shotgun 330 MIT.
I power CS6s with a Krell 400cx and there is no lacking in any one sonic area. The sound is luscious and simply the best I have heard; while very fine products, I really don't belive that Classe or any of the other amps, with the exeption of Pass makes a better amp than Krell's current line of FPB amplifiers. But then that's my opinion and not surprising since I own that amp. Conrad Johnson is also great through Thiels.

The key is current producing capability. You've got to be able to produce current at that low impedance dip below 3 Ohms that the 7.2s and other Thiel models have, otherwise that part of the frequency response will suffer a bit (the high bass region as I remember for the 7.2s.

I also used to have 7s powered by Bryston 7BSTs with good, but not great results.