Best bargain integrated amp?

I'm in the market for a new integrated amp. I currently own a Cambridge Audio 640A, but am begining to notice its short commings. I'm looking for a more refined amp with more power. I listen to mostly rock, jazz, acoustic guitar stuff: Leo Kottke, Nick Drake etc. in that order.

I would like to go second hand and spend no more than $700.00, and I guess my question is will I notice a considerable improvement sound quality with a second hand amp of this price?

I'm interested in the Odyssey Audio Cyclops but have yet to find it used. What other units should I consider?

My system:
Speakers: Acoustic Energy Aelite 2
CDP: ShengYa CD-s10 (tube)
Interconnects: Kimber Kable Timbre
Speaker Cables: PS Audio X-Stream Plus

Thanks for the help.
FWIW, you might check out the Melody SP3 from av123. I believe it's in your price range, especially if you partner with someone who wants their little monitors in the package deal they have.

I haven't heard one, btw, but it looks well built. It is not quite minimalist in the sense that the 47 Labs chip amp integrated is, but it is minimalist in terms of features and so forth. And it's tubed.

Now, you want to rectify the bass, and perhaps you think tubes are not the best way to do that. I would expect your current speakers do not really have low bass, and would wonder if you aren't hearing a room problem. It's funny that an integrated would have one note bass. But just in case, the Melody is a heavy chunk of iron, and some of that would be fairly robust transformers for the money.

A Jungson JA-88C is another "minimalist" design. It only has three inputs and on the front there only is a volume knob and volume display. The unit compares favorably to integrateds in your price range and only costs $400. However, it looks like the Cyclops might be a little beefier in terms of power.

Also, I just read that the Cyclops goes for $895, so you could get it new for $200 more than what you were looking to spend. Maybe the extra money is worth it for a brand new unit?

Good luck on search,

Sold my Cambridge Audio integrated to buy the Melody/Onix SP3. is is just great - I really anjoy the difference.

It has lots of authority for a tube unit, but if bass slam is what you are after, you might need to stick with transistors or perhaps a hybrid unit like one of the Xindaks that has been appearing on eBay.
Portal Audio Panache designed by Nelson pass (?) or Musical Fidelity X-150.
Audio Aero Prima is a hybrid integrated. It contains 1 tube in the preamp section.
The SS amp portion puts out 40 watts. It has more than enough power and base for dynamic music such as rock.
It is quite a bit better than my Rotel seperates that preceded it.
There is a Mk I listed now for $680.