Ground 'box' what's in them?

Anyone have any idea what's going on inside these ground 'boxes' some companies are coming out with?

Examples are the Entreq, Synergistic Research et al.
Ifor the manufacturer huge, no wait, mega huge profit and for the buyer... A lot of hope :-). And a piece of metal with some screws and some wire and, very important, the Black Box...inside? All you can imagine...

And, very important, you will get tremendous impovement when you use Stillpoints below it ...
Yeah I would be interested to know just what these expensive "ground boxes" have in them.

I'm thinking it is a version of the Audio Prism Ground Controls just buried in dirt!
Wow -- does anybody (except Ozzy) have anything of actual substance to bring?

Peter -- you actually wasted the 46 seconds to type 'pixie dust': that's 46 seconds of your life you'll never get back.
I bought a $13 in line transformer to eliminate hum from my cable connection ground when attached to my system. Works like a charm by design. If its not clear exactly what ground problem a product solves and how though, and if the results cannot be determined clearly don't buy it.

Above link to a fairytale that very well explain my take on this

Good listening
