Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles

I am in the process of a 30-day in home audition of a deHavilland mercury 2 tubed linestage, which is a new product showing amazing promise. Here's a link to the item.

Problem is I dont have another preamp (preferrable a tubed linestage) to compare it to. Making matters worse, I dont even have speakers at the moment - having just sold me Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage's (though i am expecting a set of Verity Audio Parsifal Encores next week).

If you are game, I would love to meet up for a little preamp head-to-head. I'd be happy to go to your place with the Merc 2 for a run, if anyone is interested.....
There is a potential local opportunity.

I have no affiliation with the owner, just happened to stumble on this...
I had no idea there were so many goners in the area. You certainly don't see them at the audio society meetings.

Shadorne- you're in White Bear?
Hi Atmasphere,

I'm in Deephaven and have discovered two very nice systems within a mile of me. This bring four in Deephaven alone!

One friend of mine and I (actually their was a third from Minnetonka) have gone to the Audio Society meeting many times a few years back. I have never felt less welcome. It seemed like a click of long time acquaintances. I am not overly outgoing in that situation, so it compounds the issue.

None the less I have met quite a few local friends through Audiogon. Funny I needed to go to an International site to find local friends.

You of course are well known, but I do not believe we ever met. So Hi!

Hi jd, I know at least one guy in Deephaven, but I don't think he's on audiogon. I wonder if a meetup for the local 'goners is worthwhile? Have you been over to other's places to hear their systems?
I have heard Jafox (Plymouth, Molly (Deephaven) and the guy I know you know who is not on Audiogon. I also have a Deephaven friend who has a nice system, but he is controlled (not like me) in his audioholic symptoms but does not use Audiogon. I guess he went to treatment. I would think it fun to have a western suburb meeting. I am introducing Molly and the guy you know next week, let me ask Molly if he would host our first meeting, he has an all MBL system which is very nice.

I'll email you next week. If other A'goners are local write too.