What's the better, High Powered SS Amp?

Anyone have experience comparing high powered solid state amps?
What's best in driving inefficient speaker's such as mbl's etc...

McIntosh 1201's
Simaudio Moon Rocks
Pass Labs X600 or X1000's
Classe Omega's
Any other's?......

other than mbl amps.

What's most important to me is dynamics, resolution and lack of grain especially at the treble region. I listen to jazz, vocals, acoustic music most of the time.
Need a bit more system information, but given your priorities I would recommend Boulder's current offerings and the Classe Omega. Neither is fatiguing for SS and both have the characteristics you described. Good luck!
I gave up on solid state, after my last one, the Pass X-600. I have found much better performance with the new technology of the H2O Signature monos. They weigh a third as much, never get warm, let alone hot, draw just 10 watts at idle, and have brought my system to a point where I feel I can touch the performers.
Before recommending an amp can you provide details on the rest of your system? At least speakers, preamp and source?

This information is very helpful
Are you talking to me, or any of the above? I don't mind.

My speakers are the infamous, but fabulous, 1 ohm Apogee Scintilla. I like nonupsampling, and have a PSA Lambda transport feeding a highly enhanced Audio Note DAC. The preamp is a one of a kind class A, housed in two chassis.

Check out the H2O review by Audiofankj here:


And Strajan's review at 6Moons here:
