Sleeper Vintage Tube Gear?

Hello All,

I'm pretty good with a soldering iron, used to be a tech, and have built a few guitar amps from scratch as well as repaired/modded others soooooo…….

Any recommendations of vintage sleeper tube amps or preamps (home audio) that I can look for to repair, upgrade, modify that would be relatively inexpensive, say $200 each ?

If you can find Dynaco tube gear and repair and improve cosmetics at a reasonable price there are always buyers for this brand. Look at Ebay for same, prices vary according to condition.

A more obscure option is older FM tuners. There are still fans for the top rated models.

When I say top rated, visit FM Tuner Info which is run by one of my audio group members. Typically Kenwood and Sansui models move pretty well, some fetch as much as a thousand dollars.
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"07-19-15: Ebm
1 thread is enough?"

Not if you want a stereo thread.

Heath Kit's sound pretty good and are not that expensive. A lot of people overlook them.