Super Amp?

Hi AuGoNers,
Currently i am using cary 2a3 with my uno and trying to pursue a 300B SET amp,but lately i ran into people mention about the DECWARE ZEN and seem like those who own one love it to death..Would this be a better investment then the 300B for my avantgarde Uno? would this amp be better then my cary 2A3? please help...
Focus on the TUBES you like not the hype. Keep your 2a3's and aquire a 300b also- keep both and never sell except to change models. This is no oppinion on the Decware! great co. in my mind. But even different companies have different sound using the exact same tubes so audition first allways.
I have heard several systems using the Decware Zen Select amp and they can sound very good. However, the Zen prefers a 2 ohm load and may not be at its best with your speakers.

The Decware Amp is very inexpensive relative to your speakers. It may be a good match, but it may be outclassed by your speakers.

If you are looking for a great low powered amp, I heard the Moth Audio 45 based amp in the same system as a Decware Zen and it is probably the best low powered amp I've personally ever heard. It is in the $2000 range brand new which is about triple the price of a Zen. Depending on where your budget falls, either of these may be a best value.


Try a Art Audio Symphony II. It will be your last amp! It's the best Art Audio offers. If you can find one used,you better jump on it! There is nothing like a 300B tube,Western Electrics,of course! The Decware is a fine little amp. I have one I use as a back up. But, it can't compete with the Symphony II. With those speakers you will hear the difference.
I like the Welborne DRD300b. You get to hear more of the tube and less of the circuit.