$1000 to spend on an amp used

I have pair of Quad 12L's, Quad 99 Pre, Sony cd/sacd(El Cheapo), and VPI Hawk MkIV TT. I need an amp. I listen to everything but rap. Any suggestions?


I agree with Semi. Go with a used Forte Model 4. It's built like a tank and is definitely one of the sweetest-sounding, highly detailed amps you'll ever hear. The detail is "real detail", not brightness masquerading as detail. But don't let it's sweetness fool you, it's dynamics are uncompromising. Yes, there are amps, which outperform it..... for several thousand bucks.

p.s. As with any used gear, just make sure it's guaranteed.
Thanks for all of the responses. I ended up going with the 909. I am very happy with the sound. Next up is a new CDP.
I once went to buy some speakers from an audiophile who had just sold the pair. While talking to him about my speakers he suggested I try a different amp. He had a mint Audio Research modified and retubed which I offered him $1000 cash and he took it. This was and incredibly musical powerful amp and I never wanted for more until I lost it in a divorce. Nowadays tube gear is very expensive and the return for your dollar is quite varied. So shop around and you never know what might turn up. Many audiophiles take extremly good care of their equipment so usually performance is not an issue.