H2O Signature Stereo vs H20 Signature Mono Amps

I am in the process of downsizing my rig and am curious to learn more about the H2O amps.

Has anyone compared the signature version stereo amp to the signature version mono amps? If so, please share your findings in the comparing of the 2 set-ups?

Do the signature mono's perform that much better than the signature stereo to justify twice the price?

Is Henry coming out with a pre-amp? If anyone has info on this, please share what you know.

Are the H2O amps a fully balanced design?

I am strongly considering matching a good tube pre with solid state power amplification. If you have had success or failure doing so, with the H2O amps, please share your experiences.

Hi Audiofankj:

I appreciate you sharing your experience.

I would describe as my "downsizing" as being in the "big picture" and not necessarily with every component...just looking to pull out a good chunk of $ and maintain an enjoyable 2-channel system.

Yes, the Synergy IIi is a very nice pre. However, with these changes, I am very interested in matching up a tube pre with SS power amp. One pre that has been recommended to sound great w/Ice amps (after rolling tubes) is the Aesthetix Callypso. I am open to suggestions.


Althought I've lived with both components for some time and I've never tried them with the H2O, I can certainly recommend the Transcendant Grounded Grid pre-amp and Phono Stage as outstandingly good values for the money. I think both would work very well with the S250 Sig. Tube rollers are welcome!

I have a Supratek Chenin that sounds wonderful with my H2O S-250 on my Scintillas. BOb
I personally use the First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk II to great effect. In general it is not a VERY tubey sounding preamp, it has the superb dynamics and low noise floor of a high end SS design, yet has the liquidity and harmonics of a good tube preamp. This mates very well with the H2o Sigs.

I was also considering the Chenin / Cortese as they also seem to be a great piece as well as over achiever for their price point.

The Aesthetix Callypso was also a preamp on my radar, however I have never seen/heard one in person...

I recently purchased the Sig S250 for $2800. I asked Henry about the sonic comparisions between the Sig S250 and the Sig mono 250. Henry told me that the Sig S250 sound almost as good as the regular M250s but that the Sig Monos sound best. However, he stated that the degree of difference between the Sig S250 and the Sig M250 diminishes with speakers which are an easy load. At 300 hours of break-in the Sig S250s are awsome with my ProAc D80s which can be driven with as little as ten watts. I cannot imagine better.