Mac 402 & Audio Research LS25MKl ?

I just bought the AR this last week. I like it, it is giving me so much more then I have had in the past.
The 402 is also very new to me. I do like what I am hearing but really would like to know what choices I may have for an improvement to my system.
My question: What amp is a better match for my AR? What really would I be gaining if I were to change?
I like the power of the 402.
My speakers are the Montana EPX. They are 4 Ohm. "these are keepers"
Thanks in advance for your input, it is greatly appreciated.
I believe your going to have to spend a whole lot more to improve the Mac 402 - I would give your current system plenty of time to settle in, really get to know it and then work on a change if you want something different - just my opinion.
I just sold my A.R.LS25 great preamp, may I suggest tube rolling. Your mac is fine. Other suggestions are good balanced cables.
Hey Dave, The cables you've mentioned are fine! I also feel that prior to any other changes, Tube Rolling may be the next place to begin experimenting with your new pre. Maybe some other fellow Audio Research LS25MKl users will come to your aid in sharing some of their tube rolling discoveries?
Make sure your system isn't "new to you" before you go changing things. It will make your future changes a lot more sensible.
I am using the 6H23 NOS Type 2 from Upscale Audio in my LS25 MKI with excellent results.