What numbers are important in SS amps specs

I'm tired of assuming and am now ready to admit I know nothing.
In solid state watts are watts however there are other factor to consider when looking over the spec sheets.
There has to be two or three other specifications with which a consumer should be fimiliar.
How about a little education.
The spec wars are over. Numbers, even power ratings (wpc)can be completely deceiving. There seems to be many factors that come into play that determmine how well an amp will drive a speaker. Ask about the experiences of others with specific combinations. The only real way to know is advice from those who you trust and first hand listening.
I seemed to get the best results from my Totem Ones with the most powerful amp I tried. My friend who has them now gets great sound with his Bedini 25/25.
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Viridian - you forgot to factor in the number of fins, thickness of faceplate, and finally multiply that all by the number of blue LED's on the unit. Doing this will give you the THI or 'Total Hype Index'.

Marty, my amp weighs in at: 0.266666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666… pounds per watt. Is that a good rating, and how might I make improvements to avoid that annoying repeating decimal?!
Agree completely with Viridan. Weight is important, say at least 50 pounds. Also look for rows of external heat sinks. They're not cheap and so won't find their way onto underperforming equipment.