Krell KBL or Krell KRC-3 or neither?

I am still a noob. Here is proof. Is $2800. too much to pay for a Philips DVD727? I know they are only $40. My real questions is:
Does the Krell KRC-3 have a better rep or what charateristics make this cheaper (new $2950.)than the KBL (new $4500.) have a higher used bluebook? Are these worth the $1470 (used) KRC-3 and $450.(current bid) for the KBL?
Is it true that tubes increase or are most suited to mid-range than SS?
Thanks for any input.
BTW...I know some ppl don't care for Klipsch, but my new RF-7s sound so awesome, and they have not yet been broke in. To anyone looking at speakers, (I know my opinion is just the 'flavor-of-the-day' and this is the wrong forum) for $1800. a pair, I am amazed and am finding myself with a big smile on my face wanting to say "these are the best, the best sysyem I ever herd!" But, like I said, I am new and have not herd many, if any, good speaker/systems. Just had to SHOUT OUT my happiness.
For $450, buy the KBL, unless there is something wrong with it.
I owned one and used it in my $60K system and loved it. I never had any problems and the sound was fantastic! I did finally upgrade to the KRC-HR, which actually gave me more of a positive opinion of the KBL.

If you don't really need a remote, and for the lower price, I would go with the KBL (but I haven't directly compared it to the KRC3)

Hope this helps a little. But to confuse you more, I have heard good things about the KRC3.

I had a KRC-3 for about ten years. I've read over and over that it's a classic and still a piece to own, it's that good.

$1470.00 seems $100.00-$200.00 too high though. I think around $1250.00 might be a fairer price, but that's me.

If you want a really amazing pre-amp, and have the extra money, a Herron VTSP-1A/166 is a fantastic tube pre-amp. I've seen them on Audiogon for around $2000.00-$2200.00 used, and they're worth every penny.

In response to your question are tubes more suitable for the midrange. This is a personal preference and also somewhat system dependent. If you haven't what tubes do to the sound you should at least give it a listen at a dealer. The Krell KRC-3 is an excellent preamp and I doubt very much newer gear is any better especially considering the Krell's used price.

Being a new person you should read about room acoustics at or just do a google. You'll find your room the next most important component in your system. Money spent there can help alot. Without it you're not hearing what your system is capable of unless your room is great already. Odds of that are about 1 in a million. Well worth the education if you want to improve your system. cheers