tube amp will drive von schweikert VR4-jr?

Need assistance -
Do you owners of VSA VR4-jr have experience driving them with any tube amp ?
i'm considering moving towards tubes but not sure they will have enough power for the speakers.

I use the Sound Quest SQ-88 integrated amp (rated 55 watts with KT-88 tubes) with my VR-4jr and am very pleased. I tried using EL-34 tubes in the SQ-88 but that was underpowered, especially in the bass end, being only about 35 watts from the two EL-34 tubes per channel. Even the KT-88 tubes lack a bit in bass definition and punch (compared to comparably powered Krell SS amp) but I am not a bass freak so it works out great for me!

You might also look into the Consonance M800 or Cyber 800 mono blocks. These are rated at something like 75 or 80 watts from 4 EL-34 tubes per channel. If I had the $$$ for them and plus decent preamp I'd have them. I like what the EL-34 and VR-4jr do for the midrange and bet the 75 or so watts of EL-34 power would do all I’d ever need on the low end.
You have to buy whats reliable & cheap on this market. My amp, the Sonic Frontiers SFS80 is an excellent anp for his
speakers.THese amps are avisble at abuot 40 precent of original listing. Also there must be some modes that we would be interested in.
They sound excellent with a PrimaLuna Prologue 2. Granted you don't have all of the solid state grunt and sheer power, but you have finesse and quite reasonable bass. Highly impressive.
Surfgod: "You have to buy whats (sic) reliable & cheap on (sic) this market."

Why do we have to do that?

BTW I'm using Quicksilver V4s on the MR/treble of the rather insensitive Eminent Tech. 8s, and they (BOTH of them!) sound I've ever heard (but I don't get around much to listen to SOTA systems).
I would suggest 100W minimum. I have a 50 watt ASL amp and it drives them ok, but not in triode mode. I am going to give the bass 200W each channel with solid state and use my ASL tube amp for the mid-high at 30W. The bass driver uses most of the power.