SS Integrated amplifier advise, please


I went from an integrated amplifier to separates. And I am unhappy with the result. I would like to keep it simple and go back to an integrated amplifier.

I need a SS 100w-175w in 8 ohms.

My budget is about $1140.

If it matters I am listening to ALL kind of music (from classical to heavy metal and anything in between - jazz, world music, electronical, etc).

In your opinion, which integrated with the list price of $2850 or less will best serve my interests.

Thank you
I would suggest a McIntosh MA6450. I feel it would pair well with your tastes and system.

I'm on the same quest as you are and fpr the momento I'm currently considering the Musical Fildelity A300 and X150, do some research on them.

Good Luck
McCormack DNA-125 is a nice amp, 125 into 8. They show up used on A'gon for under a grand. Then down the road you can have Steve McCormack "upgrade" the amp, being able to choose from different levels of upgrades.
