Perreaux 200iP 200 wpc Vs Odyssey Stratos


My current setup is

Jolida CD-100, Odyseey tempest pre, Odyseey stratos (cap upgrade) 150 W/CH power amp and Usher 6381 speakers , room size 25 X 22 X 10 and Zu wax as speaker cables. Listens to all kinds of music.

For a long time I am thinking of replacing Pre/pro with Intg amp and was wondering whether anyone has compared PERREAUX 200iP or Plinius with odyssey gear previously, whether it will be an good upgrade ?


I had a Stratos w/cap upgrade (also currently run Tempest/JD-100 in conjunction w/modified Polk SDA-1Cs), and recently upgraded to a pair of Odyssey Extreme Monos. IMHO - the Extremes had plenty of power to run your Ushers.

The reason I upgraded to the Extremes is that w/the Polks I was getting some midrange congestion on hard rock, as well as the tweeter protection devices were coming into play at louder listening levels. Since the upgrade to Extreme Monos, I have absolutely no issues. The Extreme Monos are not fully burned in yet, but the difference in their power/finesse/detail, when compared to the Stratos w/cap upgrade, is significant - in my system with my components.
A point of clarification in my post of 7/7/05. I contacted Polk, who stated that due to the age of my speakers, the tweeter protection devices probably need replacing. Polk's sent a pair for me to install. Thus, there was NOT an issue with the Stratos and the tweeter protection devices, and I do not want anyone to come away from this thread thinking that I do not feel the Stratos is a great amp - the Stratos is a superb amplifier. My system can make use of the additional benefits of the Extreme Mono amps, which I am now doing. Happy listening!