VAC PHI 2.0 or CTC Blowtorch or...

If anyone has heard these two preamps in the same system; please let me know your thoughts.
Exlibris. I think I have a solution for you If you want more density and weight. Replace the Philips with the CDSD. The Philips works well with the EMM dacs but are a little thin sounding. I've had two EMM/Philips repaired and modded by APL HiFi and the mods did just that. Added more weight without losing any detail. Instead of spending your money on an expensive preamp, I think you would be better off up grading your transport to the CDSD. If you can't afford the CDSD you might consider having APL HiFi installing the EMM card from your Philips into a Denon 3910. Included also is his r core power supply, APL master clock and other mods.
I'm currently breaking in the first one and can tell you that it's better than the EMM/Philips. Also better than the EMM/Philips with mods. I will try to post a short review on the APL/EMM/Denon this weekend.
Also be aware that the CDSD that started shipping in April is a second generation model that is even better than the first generation.
I currently own the DCC 2 and have owned the DAC 6e and switchman III in the past.
I think your suggestion is excellent. I had no idea that there was a "2nd gen" CDSD. If one were looking to buy a used one, how would one differentiate a second generation unit from an original CDSD?
EMM is not using the term second generation as far as I know. I used it because there were changes. I don't want to get anyone mad at me but I will say this. Production of the CDSD stopped toward the end of last year and didn't resume until the end of April or sometime in may. (units shipped that is). This lull in production was due to the changes. There was going to be a faceplate change but I don't think that happened. At this time I don't know how to tell the difference other than the date of manufacture.

Unless the 2 problem chips in your Philips were replaced by Alex Peychev it's days are numbered. It only makes since to replace the Philips first before spending money on another pre amp. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Exlibris, please email me for contact information on the person with the Blowtorch.

Raquel, there's a story behind the name Blowtorch, perhaps told best by John Curl of CTC Builders on AA:
Our motto is:'Blowtorch by CTC. Better than sex, almost as good as Bar-B-Q'
We have buttons with our motto printed on it, and passed them out at the CES.
The amp that I designed 15 years ago for Brian Cheney is called the: 4-Q-2.
I am told that our own Myles Astor coined the term 'Blowtorch' Apparently, at a CES a few years ago, he noticed me arguing with someone. He told Bob Crump something like: "He sure gave that guy the BLOWTORCH!" Thanks Myles! Brian Cheney coined the name 'Vendetta Research' He was in my lab some years ago, when I was complaining about some individuals who refused to pay me for my efforts. We had worked with a company called 'Mendota Research' and Brian came up with 'Vendetta Research'. He tried to talk me out of it, later. It must be remembered that all of the nice names are copywrited already. We must create new ones, in order to not face a lawsuit.
And who said audio can't be fun?
