VAC PHI 2.0 or CTC Blowtorch or...

If anyone has heard these two preamps in the same system; please let me know your thoughts.
Exlibris, please email me for contact information on the person with the Blowtorch.

Raquel, there's a story behind the name Blowtorch, perhaps told best by John Curl of CTC Builders on AA:
Our motto is:'Blowtorch by CTC. Better than sex, almost as good as Bar-B-Q'
We have buttons with our motto printed on it, and passed them out at the CES.
The amp that I designed 15 years ago for Brian Cheney is called the: 4-Q-2.
I am told that our own Myles Astor coined the term 'Blowtorch' Apparently, at a CES a few years ago, he noticed me arguing with someone. He told Bob Crump something like: "He sure gave that guy the BLOWTORCH!" Thanks Myles! Brian Cheney coined the name 'Vendetta Research' He was in my lab some years ago, when I was complaining about some individuals who refused to pay me for my efforts. We had worked with a company called 'Mendota Research' and Brian came up with 'Vendetta Research'. He tried to talk me out of it, later. It must be remembered that all of the nice names are copywrited already. We must create new ones, in order to not face a lawsuit.
And who said audio can't be fun?

Exlibris: You have what many people consider to be the most resolving speakers and so incredibly dynamic as well. If the JL-3's are out of your price range, you should at least consider the JL-2. And if you wanted to biamp your speakers at a later time, another JL-2 would make this very straight forward. There is a pair of JL-3's for sale now which does not look like a lot of money compared to the speakers they would be driving. 8-)

I recently listened to a H20 stereo version and it was a fine performer for its price but it was not even close to the JL-3's in the context of resolution and dynamics with Sound-Labs. I suspect your speakers would show the difference between these amps in even greater ways.

Concerning the Blowtorch, I have only heard it in Brian's system and that with the JL-2 was absolutely phenomenol dynamics driving his U1's. So if you visit him, you might get a chance to hear both. And just maybe, he's got the phono running too. 8-)

FSARC, have you received your PHI 2.0 as yet?
ExLibris, there is yet another possible twist to your (and my) saga. Alex Peychev is currently working on a universal player based on the Esoteric UX-1. The player will sport an 6H30-based tube output stage with low output impedance, at least 4 DACs per channel and a new digital/analog hybrid volume attenuator. Alex's intent is to make the unit truly shine even without a linestage by driving amps directly. Will this unit alone be more refined, enjoyable, captivating, mesmerizing than APL 1000 + VAC PHI 2.0? Only the stars know, but they are not telling me. On Alex's forum site there is an entire thread didicated to it with some questions answered and even more asked.
Isn't this madness fun? The good thing is that at these levels there is no right or wrong, but only what can give you more joy. And that is not only system dependent, but ultimately depends largely on ourselves and our particular conception of beauty.
Hi Guidocorona- your last paragraph nails it- very well stated!

The madness is fun! My 2.0 was delayed a few days as they were waiting for a part to arrive. Kevin is a fanatic and his attention to detail can be frustrating- but worth it in the end :-) When I spoke to him at the HE 2005 show in NYC in April, my 2.0 was supposed to ship in 2 weeks- hmmmm. In the end I know he builds the best product he can at no expense to time constraints. The Phi series is something special IMO and offers everything I'm looking for: Made in USA, top build and sound quality, and outstanding customer service. I'm hopeful the 2.0 will meet or exceed my expectations once again. I'll try to provide and update as soon as it arrives.........
Jafox: Thank you (and everyone) for your suggestions.
I'm hesitant about the JL3s for four, subjective, reasons.
1. They are almost as expensive as a pair of MBL 9008s. I've heard the 9008s drive the 101s and, simply put, they are a great match.
2. I can try the H2O without much risk (I can only lose a few hundred dollars for shipping, etc.) but if I buy used or new JL3s and don't really like them; I'm stuck with them. I don't like to purchase gear that I haven't heard in my system.
3. I've heard the JL3s on U-1s and found the bass control to be somewhat lacking (a Rowland 302 in the same system really tightened things up).
4. One reviewer on AA owned a 101E / JL3 system and stated that he could only confortably attain 95dB in his room. This could have been a room issue but it could also have been an amp/speaker issue. He didn't keep this system.