ICEpower Digital Switching Amps?

Wondering what brands we have to choose from - especially those
made in the USA?

I know about Red Dragon, Acoustic Reality, Jazz(?)
I believe NuForce is a different technology.

Any obscure brands with the ICEpower module?
Any Pro Audio brands using digital switching?

Thank You
All of the above, except the H2O, utilize the digital power supplied ICE module. There is little to differentiate these models other than their box. I think the Jjaz is the coolest looking, with Rowland taking a close second.

The Nuforce is a different kind of switching amp. I know someone who is testing it against others.

If you can, try the amps you are interested in. There are H2O loaners available.
Post removed 
As ,mentioned Jeff Rowland is using the ICE power supply as well as Edge Electronics in their latest product debuts.
Tvad, "supplied" should read supply.

The H2O is the only one of the bunch that uses the B&O 500A module. All the others use the 500ASP, or 1000ASP. The 500A requires a good analog power supply, or an in house digital supply. I believe that is what Rowland does with it's 302.

The ASP amps are ready to put in a box, and terminate. They are giving birth to an array of module in a box amps. CIAudio goes one better through beefing up the digital power supply.

The H2Os transformer and caps are big enough to power a decent Class A solid state.
Our D series amplfiers use a linear power supply similar to the H2O (not a switching type) and are based on the new Philips UcD technology, NOT an ICE module or Tripath chipsets.

You can read more on this technology here