ICEpower Digital Switching Amps?

Wondering what brands we have to choose from - especially those
made in the USA?

I know about Red Dragon, Acoustic Reality, Jazz(?)
I believe NuForce is a different technology.

Any obscure brands with the ICEpower module?
Any Pro Audio brands using digital switching?

Thank You
I didn't read all the responses here, but just look at the responses. They seem to have to generate their own momentum. I could be wrong(since I haven't auditioned any of them), but the Nuforce generates their own momentum by themselves.
Among amps based on newer technology, there is a certain novelty factor with the Nuforce that I think owes to its small size and weight. Same with the Rowland 201s although they are too pricey for many. The eAR Two models have that triangular chassis that contributed to the buzz when first released a few years back.

Sound aside, one feature I greatly appreciate about the H20 series is the ergonomics. Both balanced and unbalanced connections, two sets of binding posts and enough distance between the connectors so that hook-up is not a challenge. Anyone who has wrestled with the 'cave' in the fine sounding eAR amps will appreciate the layout of the H20 connectors. I guess I prefer a larger chassis for this reason even if an amp could be made quite smaller.

IC amps are here. Whether people like it or not, mosfets, jfets, etc. are obsolete. Tube pre-amps for those who wish to put bottles into the chain. Beta was a better format, but vhs won. DVD replaced vhs. 8-track, reel to reel, cassettes are all gone. There will be some Luddites, like vinyl junkies who seem to have forgotten all the shortcomings of the LP. When CDs first came out, some high end writer said they would trade 10% sound quality just so they won't have to get up and turn over the damn record. It is great that a powerful, clean amplifier far superior to most solid state amps can be had for a price most audiophiles can afford. IC amps are here, it's a whole new audio ballgame. Krell vs. Boulder vs. Rowland? SS vs. tubes? Who cares? It's like arguing who makes better film; Agfa, Kodak or Fuji.
I enjoy my friend's ICE Rowlands tremendously but I do feel there is some sonic sacrifice relative to the best tube amplification. He does use a very fine tube preamp, one of the best. Given the ease of maintenance of the ICE amps, I consider it a fair tradeoff.

Similar for cd vs LP. There is a layer of relaxation and natural presence that the best LP achieves that I've personally never heard cd even hint at. (SACD recorded via DSD, OTOH, does.) Whether this additional pleasure is worth the substantial overhead of LP is a personal call.

I just want to respond to the digital thing. First off, digital is not music. It is a description of music. Go back to the theory and prove me wrong.