Thanks for the very interesting hint. I did some listening to Hovland HP-100; Nagra PL-P and Brinkmann Marconi on saturday. I must admit: the Hovland was the "worst" although in my system a better performer than the Ayre K-1X. Brinkmann builds a great unit - on the same extremely high level then the Nagra which by far outperformed the Hovland - but unfortunnately the Marconi offers no phono section. The Nagra is something VERY special. Hopefully I´ll have the chance to compare it against the remaining contenders on my short list: Convergent SL-1 Ultimate; Aesthetix Janus and Supratek Cortese.
Dgad: I´m highly interested in your comments about the AA with and without optional linestage.
Dgad: I´m highly interested in your comments about the AA with and without optional linestage.