Artg & John,
I am sure it did sound better. The AA sounds better via my VTL than direct. More of the tube thing going on. But the EMM sounds better via the AA as a preamp than via a Placette. Again some of the tube thing. Where I am going is try the AA as a preamp & compare it to any of your mentioned preamps. I doubt it will be as good as the Calypso but I bet it will compare. Don't use the AA as the source, use a different source into the AA & that same source into the Calypso.
I know it sounds crazy but it is all about the entire system. Unfortunately the AA direct will be more transparent no matter what you say. You have one more item in the chain. Depending on what preamp will determine how much more transparent. Now the preamp you use will add dimension, tube like sound, decay or how about some color. I bet a beautiful color too. I personally prefer the AA via my VTL than direct. But it still is less transparent (but really very very slightly & who knows how much is the cables, power cord, preamp, my ears etc). Also the VTL does not add body alone but also adds tremendous power, dynamics, decay etc. But this is all extra & wasn't there before. With the AA it helps a little. With my EMM it helps a lot & brings the EMM to another level as compared to my EMM via the Placette Active (probably the best preamp I have heard till the VTL). The Placette better my CAT MkIII by a very wide margin where a blind listening session would result in 100% certainty what you were listening to.
Do use the AA as a preamp for a different sournce and then comment(if you have that feature, as it improves the sound of the AA as a CD player substantially once the preamp upgrade is installed). I am trying to save you money or at least give you a comparative reference.
I purchased the VTL preamp as it is synergistic w. my amps & made a tremendous improvement as such. Take out the balanced connection of the VTL preamp & then the playing ground is much more close.