Well, I have the older 502A. It's heavily modified (see my bedroom system thru the "System" link).
I still use the stock "winged-C" 6550 tubes & like the overall sound.
The 12AX7 is a Mullard NOS & the 12AT7 is a RCA NOS.
I'm very happy w/ the sound. I like a neutral sound & I think that I'm closer to that type of sound vs. the un-modified unit.
I still use the stock "winged-C" 6550 tubes & like the overall sound.
The 12AX7 is a Mullard NOS & the 12AT7 is a RCA NOS.
I'm very happy w/ the sound. I like a neutral sound & I think that I'm closer to that type of sound vs. the un-modified unit.