New Amplifier: Bryston 4B ST or Pass Aleph 5


I am thinking about revamping my system and am looking for something that can work with my Magnepan MG12s and can grow with me up the Magnepan line. I haven't thought much about pre-amps (except something like a Krell 300i, but I'm not sure how that would play with the larger Magnepans), but have started thinking about amps.

After much research on this website and others, I have found two amps that seem to be recommended more than others for Magnepans: the Bryston 4B ST and the Pass Labs Aleph 5. I'd probably also consider pre-amps from the same companies, as they seem to perform well and I like the idea of a matched amp and pre-amp.

What do you guys think? I'm leaning towards the Bryston myself. I'm definitely on a budget for the amp (under $1500) so I have already discounted the McIntoshs, Krells, of the world.

I listen to classical music (primarily instrumental, solo through small ensemble music) and currently prefer Kimber Kable interconnects and speaker wire and my Marantz CD63 KI, although these preferences could change if I was properly convinced. I am also relatively new into this realm of hi-fi.

Not all tubed preamps are pricey. If I were you, I would watch carefully until a First Sound Presence Deluxe MKI comes up for sale. Its newer sibling made deep ripples about 4 years ago on a review. The MKI version price floats between $1500-1300, but I saw someone selling one for about 1K. That is an outstanding preamp that will partner very well with almost any amp out there.

I personally have a First Sound Paramount Deluxe MKII Hot Rod, and have it paired with several different amps. With them all, nothing, I mean nothing has ever surpassed its dynamic signature.

Many tube preamp possibilities around or under $1,000:

ARC LS2, LS7, LS8 mk II, and many older "SP" series
Conrad Johnson - many
Sonic Frontiers Line 1
Anthem Pre 2L or 2L SE
Rogue 66
Audible Illusions

and many others
Thanks everyone.. However, I'm still wanting to know why I should go with a tube pre-amp? Is it due to the type of music I listen to, or my speakers, or is it just "a different sound"?
I had both of the amps you mention & want to throw out the Ayre V-3 to you as an alternative.

To me the 4BST was too analytical & the Aleph 5 was too warm. I used a Pass Aleph P pre with all three of the above amps & only sold it to get a one-box pre w/phono.

My choice of music & type of spkrs. are different & if I had to make a choice between the Bryston & Pass, I'd go w/the Pass.

I've stayed with Ayre for almost 4 yrs. now, moving up through the line.

Since you mentioned you're new to this, let me also encourage you to look into the other aspects of audio, which includes (but is not limited to) the room, AC, isolation & tweaks.

Thanks for your comments. Remember, that the Magnepans are 4 ohm speakers and perhaps that is why the Pass and Bryston are so often recommended paired together. I haven't seen many people running the Ayre amps with Magnepans, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good combination.

I have been doing a lot of research into some of the aspects you've mentioned and am compiling a list of "to-dos" that is growing quite large.