New Amplifier: Bryston 4B ST or Pass Aleph 5


I am thinking about revamping my system and am looking for something that can work with my Magnepan MG12s and can grow with me up the Magnepan line. I haven't thought much about pre-amps (except something like a Krell 300i, but I'm not sure how that would play with the larger Magnepans), but have started thinking about amps.

After much research on this website and others, I have found two amps that seem to be recommended more than others for Magnepans: the Bryston 4B ST and the Pass Labs Aleph 5. I'd probably also consider pre-amps from the same companies, as they seem to perform well and I like the idea of a matched amp and pre-amp.

What do you guys think? I'm leaning towards the Bryston myself. I'm definitely on a budget for the amp (under $1500) so I have already discounted the McIntoshs, Krells, of the world.

I listen to classical music (primarily instrumental, solo through small ensemble music) and currently prefer Kimber Kable interconnects and speaker wire and my Marantz CD63 KI, although these preferences could change if I was properly convinced. I am also relatively new into this realm of hi-fi.

Go to the Audio asylum web site and click on the planar form. it is where the Maggie crowd hang out and post the question there. Maggies respond to power and I don't mean watts, it's current that lights the up the Maggies. I just picked up an older Threshold (Nelson pass design) at 70 watts per. I plan on useing it to by amp my MG III but have it hooked up to my MG I imp. right now and my ears prefered the 70 watt Threshold. I found it easly out performed my 200 watt B+K or my older Bryston which I sold a few months backs. The Pass will work well with the MG 12 but will not do the trick if you get into the III series. I used to have the 12s as well.
Going back to your questions about the sonic benefits of getting a tubed preamp and a SS amp, it has to do with the sonic qualities you might like. Bryston, is fairly neutral but to some, this might be too cold or unemotional. When you add the right tubed preamp, it will add a sense of warmth that will allow you to listen longer without getting sonically jaded.

Of the two choices you mention, the Sonic Frontiers Line 2 is known to be a more restrained or neutral tubed preamp.

The BAT might have a more traditional or robust, emotional presentation.

The Bat, even if it does not have the phono board, might allow you to get fitted with one from the factory, because the new, X designation model of the VK-3 might use the same physical dimensions. But, the phono board for what I can remember it was around $500 alone. You might be better off purchasing a different phono stage later.