Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.

I finally received the Siltech Compass lake G5 interconnects. They have an official price tag of $7500 per meter pair.I would recommend that we save ourselves from a discussion if this price will ever be justified for any cable. We all know that this is a stratospheric price level and hardly anybody will be able to afford such a cable.
But I have to admit that even the well known Valhalla stands beaten in its corner by this cable.
This cable has done great damage to me: It has shown what potential lies hidden in my system, and during the two days I was auditioning this cable, I have learned , that my system is capable of conveying an awesome rich, detailed, sound, which was hidden before I put these cables in.
It will be very tough to even go back to the Valhalla.
How can I can I keep on listening from now on with satisfaction, if I know that I am being kept from hearing the fine nuances which really justify the mane "high end" by using a lesser cable?
I think that my only chance lies in taking up a second mortgage and buy this cable eventually. I have to look at it from the only perspective possible: This is a lifetime investment, since I will never have to bother again about interconnects for the rest of my audiophile life.

Or does someone see another solution, which has somehow slipped by my attention, since I admit, I have become biased in my opinions recently?
Wouldn't worry about bias... after all it's your ears, your experience that you're sharing (and that's what makes your posts interesting)!

As to other suggestions: maybe try some different geometry, cheap but reportedly, well performing cables like OTA. How do these fare vs. the giga$ offerings? Also it'll keep your musical mind off the G5 :^)!

The worst thing about not being able to afford those exotic cables that make your system sing is that in less than 3 months from the time you take out that second mortgage to purchase them, you are guaranteed to come across a different cable for a fraction of the price that sounds even better. Best of all, they're probably available right now, but you just haven't tried them yet. Sleep well! :)
Now we are getting into another level of expenditures considering the Siltechs are twice the price of the Valhallas... IMHO, when one starts talking about pulling the trigger on a pair of $7500 cables then its time to think about other options. A $500 cable will on average (not every time and it depends on synergy so no big discussion here) out perform a $100 cable. Now can we get the same or better upgrade in system performance for the $400 cost differential if we look at replacing another component - maybe spend that same $400 on another preamp or upgrade the speakers and maybe there will be a perceived or actual increase in quality of reproduction depending on the listener's personal desires. Now take that $500 cable and compare it to the $7500 Siltech. No doubt as you have already experienced there will be a significant up swing in quality. The question is - what if you spent that $7000 differential in upgrading one or more of your components??? Which path would provide your best return on investment??? Early morning ranting from a someone who needs his second cup of coffee...
I have tried the Siltechs and MY ears tell me the following cables are better. FIM Gold and a cable by a guy in Canada Murray James (Murray James Cables). The Murray James are very in expensive ($200.00/meter). Before you laugh you should be know that Murray is a friend of Ed Mietners, and it was with Murrays cables that Ed auditioned his SACD dac to Sony when he was vying for the contract to design their SACD system against DCS (the Elgar people). Well we all know that Ed won. I have some of the MJC's in my system and will be using his cable through out my system. I, however, use FIM Gold pc's exclusively and the FIM Gold Digital interconnect is just the finest digital link I have ever heard BAR NONE>


How about listing a contact phone number or web address for Murray James Cables. You've got me interested and I'm sure that others would appreciate that info too!