Help with a preamp upgrade

I'm considering upgrading my CJ pv10al to a Krell kav 250p. I really like the sound of my CJ, will the Krell be a good upgrade?

Any thoughts?

Thank you

If you "really like the sound" of what you have, why upgrade? You sound happy & satisfied, an envious state.
Save your money. Buy music instead. That's what it's all about- music, not hardware.
Rubinken, I am very happy with the sound of my stereo. Every day before work and after work, I listen to classical music to help me relax. I was just wondering if the Krell would do everything my CJ does, but do it better. I don't want to loose the musical sound, but it never hurts to improve it.

If you decide to go with the Krell you'd be better off with the KRC-3 than the Kav. Pricewise it should even be slightly less. The sound between the Krell and CJ will be quite a bit different. Dynamics will be stronger with the Krell as will extension at the two extremes. Overall the Krell I'd say is more accurate. The CJ though may have a richer midrange. I went from an ARC LS16 to a Krc-3 and am very happy with the trade. I do miss some of the tube euphony at times though. You could buy the Krell and not be out anything but time and shipping. There's plenty of Pv10's to buy if you don't like the Krell. It's a matter of taste to a large degree.
Consider using the upgrade money to do some tube rolling, especially if you've had the amp for a while.
Personally I find C-J preamps really great for classical music. If you wanna upgrade (versus sidegrade), and you like the C-J sound, consider that C-J has a new preamp coming out based on ACT2 technology and you may see some good deals on PV-14s and Premier 16s and 17s as other folks look to upgrade.