Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2

Looking for insight from folk's who have compared these two pre's either head to head
in the same system (preferably) or experience with both in different systems.

I'm not looking at any other pre's at this time,
so please don't muddy up the thread with other pre's I should consider.

Thanks in advance...
Jafox, Could list exactly what tubes you like the best and where you purchased them. Thanks, Husk
Husk: Keep in mind I don't own the Calypso but rather the Callisto Sig and Io. Check my thread from a few months ago on the tubes I tried with the Callisto here.

It's anybody's guess if what worked so well with the Jupiter models will do the same for the Saturn.

My dealer was nice enough to let me hang onto the tubes till next Monday, so I will try to do a comprehensive tube roll this weekend. I know the Supra LoRad pc worked wonders on my cdp, and again, I have two more to play around with. I'm going to leave the one on the cdp and try a couple of different combo's. Pre & cdp, monoblocks & cdp, and will report my findings for anyone interested.

ARGHHH, I hate swapping stuff in and out, it's too much like work.
But when you have access to stuff for free, you gotta try it, right?
Perfectionist, Can you tell me exactly which tubes you are using and where you got them? Is there any tube noise with the new tubes? Thanks, Husk
Husk01, the tubes are listed above, but here they are again.
Tungsram, Brimar, GE longplate, all 12ax7's from Upscale Audio. They are all very quiet except one of the GE's pops every once in awhile, but it's really not that bad.