845 SET recommendation

I would like to try an 845 SET power amp in the next couple of mths and was wondering what other besides Art Audio and deHavilland should i look into. Your recommendations are appreciated.
Art Audio, Verdier

I would urge you to check out the Wytetech Lab amp which is based on the 211 tube. The 211 is a wonderful tube and makes excellent power. It is more difficult/costly to build an amp for it due to its power requirements but it may be worth a listen.

If you want slam check out a quality push/pull class A tube amp. A 300b push/pull has plenty of slam with the right speakers. We just made one of these for a customer and it sounds damn close to our single ended interstage coupled 300B but it has the slam that the SET is a little softer on.
unison research makes an excellent 845. I use them to drive my von scherkert vr4's. speakers must be fairly effecient however, if not, the bottom end will suffer.
I've owned Komura SET 845's, Nagra SET 845's and Bel Canto SET 845's....all very good.
I currently have the JC Verdier 845 luxe se mono's and find them most to my liking.
Seriuos transformers and serious power supply are a good start for a good/excellent SET.