845 SET recommendation

I would like to try an 845 SET power amp in the next couple of mths and was wondering what other besides Art Audio and deHavilland should i look into. Your recommendations are appreciated.
2nd the recommendation for the BelCanto SET40i. My good friend has this piece. I've heard it many, many times. Paired w/ Rick Craig's ExcelArray line-array speakers, the combination is excellent. He just had it upgraded + new o/p xformers put in & the sound is amongst the best SETs made. Other SET40i owners say that this modified amp can hold its own w/ the Lamm SETs. Says a lot about this SET40i. FWIW.
I can tell you that the best 845 based SET i have ever heard is the New Audio Frontiers 845. Give Jeff at high water sound in NYC a call highwatersound.com absolutely stunning especially with the silver wound output transformers