Audio Research LS-22 or LS-16 Which is Best

I am wondering if anyone could compare the LS-22 to the LS-16 ???? Which is best ???? Thanks
I still have the LS-25 in a different system. But the LS-16 doesn't have as much gain and I'm trying to decide if I should go for a SP type pre-amp with some gain or may-be the LS-22 has a little more "poop"....I have the Pro-ac speakers and a pair of Aerial 10-t's now which I like quite well...I also have a pair of Soliloquy's and the Velodyne sub-woofers.....Will
Will- What amp will you be using in this other system? Im not sure the 22 has more gain than the 16. 6-12 db may be the max..where as your 25 allows for 18db as you know. Im sure you want to keep cost down..hence the lesser pre amp. You may be better off looking at something other than ARC in that case.
I have a very nice Audio Research SP3-A-1 ....I should use it , but it is not remote ( shows where I'm going ) Anyway, I'm using some of the amps I build , Dyna MK III and Dyna 70's...
The LS-22 was one of the worst ARC designed preamps, it was not musical sounding at all. Ask a few ARC dealers adn they will tell you the same.

Happy Listening. have the makings of a nice vintage system! OR... What about trying a Cary SLP 50 or an AES DH pre amp with remote options. I think there is one for sale now. This would be a nice pre amp for use with your Dyna's.

I definately agree with Bigkidz...steer clear of the 22!!